Embark on The Trinity Healing Journey: A Deep Dive into Transformation and Personal Awakening


Discover Deep Transformation and Personal Awakening

The Trinity is not just a healing package; it's a meticulously designed journey for those seeking deep, transformative change that resonates at the core of their being. This journey is rooted in the metaphysical principle of the Trinity, symbolizing the harmonious interconnection and balance of mind, body, and soul, inviting a profound spiritual communion within and with the universe.


Discover The Journey

A meticulously designed journey for transformative change at the core of your being.


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Discover the Journey

About The Trinity Healing package

Through a series of targeted, psychic-led sessions, "The Trinity" facilitates a process of profound healing, energetic alchemization, and spiritual awakening. This makes it an unparalleled investment in your journey towards self-discovery and ultimate wellbeing.

You'll engage with the foundational elements of consciousness, energy, and matter, cultivating a deep understanding of your interconnectedness with all aspects of existence and aligning with your soul's mission.

The Trinity offers a unique opportunity to transcend conventional healing and awaken to new possibilities. Miraculous healings are not just possible—they are a natural manifestation of your journey towards wholeness.

Receive Your Healing

Is "The Trinity" For You?

You've ventured here, possibly guided by a nudge from your higher self suggesting, "there's more to explore, more to heal." Many who find their way to "The Trinity" share common experiences of seeking deeper healing and transformation, often feeling stuck or dissatisfied with their progress despite previous efforts. This journey may be for you if:

You've engaged in various healing modalities, attended countless workshops, or constantly seeking healing, only to find yourself circling back to square one, craving real, sustainable change.

Your experiences with healing sessions have been fleeting, leaving you yearning for a more profound, lasting transformation rather than temporary relief.

The pursuit of spiritual growth has strained your relationships, with loved ones noticing more investment than improvement in your happiness or fulfillment.

You struggle to prioritize your well-being, always placing other responsibilities above your own healing, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.

You're on a quest for knowledge, accumulating courses and certifications without significant personal or spiritual development, leaving you questioning the path to true healing.

Who "The Trinity" Is Not For:

While "The Trinity" offers a powerful path to healing and transformation, it's essential to recognize that this journey requires a deep commitment to self-work and an openness to change. It might not be suitable for:

  • Individuals not fully prepared to release past patterns, beliefs, or traumas that are no longer serving them. True healing requires letting go, and if you're not ready, you may not fully benefit from this journey.
  • Those looking for a quick fix or instant results without the willingness to dive deep into their personal and spiritual development. "The Trinity" is about profound transformation, not surface-level changes.
  • Participants who are not open to exploring new perspectives or challenging their existing beliefs. This journey is about expanding your consciousness and embracing a new way of being.
  • If you're not yet ready to invest time, energy, and resources into your healing process. "The Trinity" is a commitment to yourself and your growth, requiring active participation and dedication.

The Trinity awaits those who are truly ready for a deep, transformative healing journey.

If you've recognized yourself in any of the points mentioned above and feel a deep calling for change, "The Trinity" may be the next step on your path to healing and personal awakening. It's a journey designed for those who are ready to leave behind temporary solutions and step into a new paradigm of lasting transformation and empowerment.

Begin Your Journey

Your Path Through The Trinity

Week One

Psychic-Led Energy Healing

Start your journey with a session dedicated to uncovering and addressing subconscious barriers that hinder your financial stability, relationships, and health. This initial step is crucial for setting the tone for your transformative journey, focusing on healing and reconnecting with your inner divinity. It encourages a profound understanding of your soul's infinite capabilities and lays the groundwork for significant change.

Week Two

Integration Phase

A vital period dedicated to absorbing and reflecting on the insights and energetic shifts from the first session. This time is for deepening the healing process, allowing your mind and spirit to fully integrate the initial transformations. Revisiting the audio recording from week 1 is recommended to reinforce the session's impact and prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Week Three

Three-Dimensional Therapy

This session marks a pivotal moment in your healing journey, focusing on the emotional and energetic release of outdated belief systems. It's akin to undergoing a form of spiritual surgery, where old paradigms are identified and cleared, making way for the infusion of new, empowering beliefs. Custom-tailored techniques ensure that these new beliefs are fully embraced, marking a significant milestone in your transformation.

Week Four

Continued Integration

The journey of transformation deepens as the newly implanted belief systems and energies from the previous sessions continue to integrate into your being. This week emphasizes the importance of engaging with the belief system homework and revisiting the insights from week 3, ensuring a smooth and continuous transformative process.


Week Five

Spirit-Led Psychic Healing Session

The culmination of your journey, this session connects you more profoundly with your higher self, guides, source, and spirit team. It offers an additional layer of awareness and healing, combining various modalities to rewire and harmonize your physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual bodies. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive transformation, setting the stage for ongoing growth and awakening.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Support on Your Journey

-Dedicated Focus: Each Zoom session extends for 1 hour, preceded by 1.5 hours of preparatory work with your spirit team. A detailed summary of each session is emailed to you, ensuring clarity and continuity.

-Ongoing Support: Audio recordings of each session are provided, allowing for continuous reflection and integration at your own pace.

-Commitment to Transformation: Booking the first session upon purchase guarantees a prompt start to your journey, with flexibility for scheduling adjustments as needed.

Answer Your Call

Transformations Through "The Trinity"

Be Inspired

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the last 3 sessions.

I was very hesitant in contacting you as I was not overly educated in this practice. You were very patient, informative, gave me many examples, and made me feel at ease.

You were spot on pinpointing many things that have caused me stress and health issues.

My stomach no longer has pain and my outlook on life is so positive during these trying times. It was like a miracle happened, well a miracle did happen.
Thank you again, Angela

Josh J 

Angela is not only knowledgeable, she is professional, ethical and has a deep desire to help and lead you to your highest-self. She packages and delivers your truth to you with grace. She asks you the right questions that allow you to see, recognize, and acknowledge the patterns, habits,‘s and behaviors you have created that are holding you back. If you want to level up in your life and be your best-self, Angela is who you need to see. However, be ready and open for your subconscious to have a voice… And Angela to speak her truth in connection with your truth. The greatest gift you can give another person is time and truth and that is Angela‘s gift

Rebecca S

Begin Your Transformation

"The Trinity" is a call to those who seek not just change, but a profound, life-altering transformation. It's about awakening to a new self-awareness, healing, and empowerment. This journey promises more than change—it invites you to step into a new, empowered version of yourself, deeply connected and profoundly transformed.

For those drawn to a profound transformation, "The Trinity" awaits. Seize this opportunity to transform your life and realize your true potential.

Start Your Journey

Invest in Your Transformation

Embarking on The Trinity healing journey is more than an experience—it's a pivotal moment in your life, a decision to deeply commit to your personal and spiritual evolution. It's an investment not just in time or resources, but in your future self, your potential, and the profound transformation that awaits.

1 Payment of


Paid In Full

  • What's Included:
    • Five intensive weeks.
    • Three psychic-led sessions tailored to your spiritual and healing journey.
    • Two weeks of guided integration and transformation.
    • 1.5 hours of preparatory work with your spirit team for each session, ensuring personalized attention and alignment.
    • Detailed session summaries and audio recordings for ongoing reflection and integration.
    • Direct email and messenger support from Angela throughout your journey.
    • Payment Options:
      • Full Payment: Make a one-time payment of $999 and begin your journey with clarity and commitment.
      • Payment Plan: For those who prefer flexibility, we offer a  payment plan.
      • Secure your spot with the first payment, followed by additional payments. Details and scheduling of payments will be provided upon registration. 
Ready to Begin? Secure Your Spot Now

Transformations Through "The Trinity."

I use to wake in the middle of the night with leg pain and walking in general was very painful. Angela helped eliminate that pain in my last session with her. I still have knee pain from time to time and have my whole life due to an injury but I am not losing any sleep or waking up for any pain. That session was a few months ago.

I also had a pain in my gall bladder that I didn't tell Angela about but she told me she knew I had that problem AND she was right. After she worked her magic I haven't had a problem since. I am guessing this was about a year ago? Honest to Pete this is all true. I appreciate your post so I could share this as I didn't know how to put it into words.

Kat M

I have had three remote healing sessions with Angela so far. I live in Sweden. The sessions have been truly amazing. I have learned so much about myself and about energy. I didn’t know how much of an unhealthy relationship with a family member had affected me and my health. Such a relief to understand that it doesn’t have to be like that. I’m not feeling trapped anymore. I feel so empowered! One very noticeable change is that I’m feeling so in love with my partner! Our relationship has really improved. Angela has helped me to open up my heart. She has given me many helpful tools. I have learned how to release and how to avoid absorbing energies from other people. And how to ground and bring in life force energy into my body. My abilities to do so keep improving. I am so grateful!

Elin L

Angela is the real deal. She is empathetic, compassionate, non-judgemental, intuitive, and gifted. Energetically, Angela's ability to channel hits the mark. Her natural expertise to see both sides of a situation immediately put me at ease and allowed me to have greater clarity of my own self. Tapping into Universal Source, Angela revealed, cleared, released and healed hidden walls of traumatic energies that were stored in my psychic and physical bodies. She gave me exercises and tools that not only deepened the healings, but also could be used throughout my life as needed. Each session left me in awe, in gratitude and in light. The work was still mine to do, but Angela was able to uncover buried energies from deep within that I had blocked from my mind. I can honestly say there has been a shift for the better in my life: feelings of lightness, calm, acceptance, and, even, wonder as though I am looking through new eyes (vision).. I highly recommend you give yourself the gift of healing that Angela has to offer. Every aspect of your being will thank you.


I reached out to Angela for my first session because I had been experiencing hip and back pain for over a year. The pain had improved somewhat after months of physical therapy and chiropractic care, but it was still bothering me most days. I was preparing to take a trans-Atlantic flight and was concerned about having to sit for that long, so I started looking for other treatments. As someone who does scientific research and worked in medicine, I was skeptical about if and how Angela’s services would help me, but I figured it would not hurt to try working with her. I am so glad I listened to that voice inside me that told me to reach out to her. During my session, Angela identified the root causes of my pain and removed them. Right after the session, the numbness and tingling I was experiencing in my leg went away and the next morning I felt and heard my hip and lower back adjust themselves. When I saw my chiropractor two days later, she commented on how much improved my alignment was. Most importantly, I was able to enjoy my trip without being limited by pain.

Abiola K

Frequently Asked Questions

All Your Questions Answered Here

Ready to Awaken Your True Self?

You stand at the threshold of a profound transformation, an invitation to explore the depths of your being and emerge reborn in clarity, purpose, and light. "The Trinity" is more than a healing journey; it's a beacon for those who seek to not only navigate their inner landscapes but to illuminate them, discovering treasures of insight, peace, and empowerment that have awaited your recognition.

This is your moment to transcend the ordinary, to dissolve the barriers between you and your highest potential. It's an opportunity to weave the essence of your true self into every aspect of your life, creating a tapestry of profound fulfillment and spiritual awakening.

With each step on this journey, you'll shed layers of the past that no longer serve you, making room for the new, empowered template of self that awaits. It's a path not just of healing, but of complete rebirth into a life aligned with your deepest truths and highest aspirations.

Are you ready to answer the call of your soul? To embark on a journey that transforms not just how you see yourself, but how you engage with the world around you? Let "The Trinity" be your guide back to yourself, to the life you were meant to live, filled with joy, purpose, and boundless potential.

Secure Your Spot Now - Don't let another moment pass in contemplation. The time for action is now. Your journey towards awakening your true self begins with a single step. Take that step today.

Secure Your Spot